Joy, Kindness, and Gratitude
I've been thinking a lot lately about what qualities I want to see more of in my life. These are elements, concepts and ideas I would like to see actualized every day, to the point that they are natural and accepted as expected. About a month ago I chose Joy, Kindness, and Gratitude as characteristics and actions I would like to experience more frequently every day in my life. I was pleasantly surprised to read this article on Huffington Post that listed these traits among those practiced by "Happy People". I know it sounds pretty obvious that joy and kindness lead to happiness but thinking about these things specifically and with intent definitely helps me experience them more fully.
Joy - I want to be a more joyful person. I'm working on taking note of the many moments during the day that something makes me feel happy. It's as simple as waking up to a furry puppy face on the side of my bed, delicious warm lattes in the morning, or as lovely as seeing my mom greeted warmly by a ton of people as we ate lunch together on her college campus. I want to find joy in the gorgeous sunset, the ripe tomatoes on the vine, and my husband letting me put my chilly toes under his leg to warm them up. Just noticing these little or large things make my heart feel just a little bigger and warmer.
Kindness - I want to be a more considerate person, thinking of others before I act solely for myself. I want to notice others being kind to those around them; I think kindness is contagious and spreads easily. It's all too easy for me to plead tired, or busy, or unaware when it would benefit me equally to step outside of my own head and do something kind or to say something friendly to someone near me. I know this will help make me a better wife, friend, daughter, and coworker!
Gratitude - I feel so blessed in my life... but why is it so easy to focus on the negative? I want to be thankful for all of my blessings and all of my challenges, for they will help me grow. I want to find the positive in every moment and be grateful for each day. I do really believe what the quote says at the top... "When we notice our blessings and practice gratitude, our reasons to be grateful multiply."
I want these things in my life. I really want others to see these elements practiced daily in my life... I hope they spill into all areas of my life. Practice makes perfect, right?
Until then,